Periodistas en condición de calle y los trapos rojos del hambre
Texto por Carlos Mario Correa
Ilustración por Jossi Esteban Barbosa
“Quiero transmitir lo asombroso de la realidad. No existe la verdad absoluta. Los reporteros pueden encontrar todo aquello que deseen encontrar. Cada reportero trae todas sus cicatrices de guerra al acontecimiento. Un reportero nunca alcanza la “verdad”. Alcanza lo que es capaz de alcanzar, lo que él quiere alcanzar.”
Gay Talese
Marzo-abril: inicia la incertidumbre
The toggles are working. Please, note, that you have to add a template to the library in order to be able to display it inside the toggles.
Miércoles 8 de abril: olfato periodístico
The toggles are working. Please, note, that you have to add a template to the library in order to be able to display it inside the toggles.
Sábado 11 de abril: Día 18 de cuarentena en Colombia
The toggles are working. Please, note, that you have to add a template to the library in order to be able to display it inside the toggles.
Martes 14 de abril: Día 21 de cuarentena en Colombia
The toggles are working. Please, note, that you have to add a template to the library in order to be able to display it inside the toggles.
Viernes 17 de abril: Día 24 de cuarentena en Colombia
The toggles are working. Please, note, that you have to add a template to the library in order to be able to display it inside the toggles.
Domingo 19 de abril: Día 26 de cuarentena en Colombia
The toggles are working. Please, note, that you have to add a template to the library in order to be able to display it inside the toggles.
Lunes 20 de abril: Día 27 de cuarentena en Colombia
The toggles are working. Please, note, that you have to add a template to the library in order to be able to display it inside the toggles.
Una anécdota
The toggles are working. Please, note, that you have to add a template to the library in order to be able to display it inside the toggles.